Friday, September 28, 2007

Apparently I have been doing this all wrong...

All along I have been working my ass off in my training. I have been insisting that my clients work hard in order to achieve results. Then I come across an ad for kettlebell training declaring that they take the 'work' out of working out. Oh really? With kettlebells?
Ok, I'm being a little harsh. I know what they're trying to say, in my opinion they're just going about it the wrong way. There are also way too many unbelievable claims on the website. Here's the thing: If you tell people they will lose 20 lbs. by thanksgiving, you better hit that nail on the had every time. You have given yourself no room for error. This sounds like it comes from someone who has never been overweight and does not understand the psychological cost of trying to lose a great deal of weight. Every time you fail to lose the weight your spirit is crushed a little more. It is our job as trainers not to let this happen, and making fantastic claims can cause said crushing effect.
It's also not a great idea to have clients who know nothing about training, explaining your training in detail with guesses and logic that wanders off into nothingness.
I saw another website from a trainer who had written all of his own client testimonials. It was easy to figure out, as he had the spelling and grammar abilities of a second grader. I cannot stand that level of dishonesty and trickery.
I'm also just not down with selling supplements to clients. There's just no need for it. I make the same recommendation to all clients. The Holy Trinity: Multivitamin, EFA, Glucosamine. On occasion a meal replacement when needed. Done. No magical body wraps that make you lose 14 inches in an hour, no sea kelp. I am not a nutritionist, and I know my limitations. Besides, this stuff always looks shady. I also think the more stuff you are selling your clients, the more you start to look shady. I don't need to sell you more stuff, I get paid enough. I maintain my integrity and objectivity by pointing you to the best brands I know of. If I'm promoting a brand, will I have the intellectual honesty to refer you to a better brand if one comes up? I'll never know because I don't sell supplements.
Two things:
1. I will always shoot you straight. The first thing new clients hear from me now is "Tomorrow will most likely be the most sore day of your life." More often than not this is true.
2. We need to get re-acquainted with hard work, and pass the values of hard work=results down to our children. Whether it is hard work in training, school, or work, we must divorce ourselves from this notion that for whatever reason we deserve an easy life. We deserve only what we earn, nothing more.
I hear people say things like "You shouldn't sell your time." This came from a very well known and repected trainer, suggesting you shouldn't be spending all your time training, but you should train other trainers, sell books and DVD's in order to generate multiple streams of income.
All along I foolishly thought I was in this to help people, not to get everything I can out of them.
Oh, and I really need all these faux trainers to stop posing with 12 kilo kettlebells. Don't be coy. If your training really is effective I would like to think you can swing more than a 12 kilo. I don't want to hear any silly excuses, when you're strong you are proud of that strength, and you want to share it with the world.

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