Monday, October 22, 2007

GS Technique for bad knees

Just thinking about this is all. You don't want a ton of squat in your HS swings, but you do get some, and commonly more than you would from your GS variety. GS requires much more of a 'body folding' action than the HS. Not to be confused with your 'High School', but rather to be associated with parent words 'Hard Style'.
Firstly, there is much I do not know. I readily acknowledge that you could fill the grand canyon with everything I do not know, and not even be half finished unloading the truck. You may have a knee issue I cannot readily fix, whereas a more experienced trainer may simply be able to say "Oh, well I just need to kick you in your flux capacitor, and it's all better." This being said, even if I cannot fix your issue, we may be able to work around it. Which brings us to GS swings and snatches.
If we know that your knee folding past a certain degree causes pain, we know we should work just shy of that degree of movement so long as we don't believe that it will aggravate whatever the problem is.
In the below video you see the limited amount of knee action in the athlete. However, a lack of action in the knee does not mean it is necessarily bearing less weight, it is simply bearing the weight in a stronger position, closer to lockout.

I have begun working with more GS techniques with a client of mine who has a right knee problem mostly only aggravated by multiple repetitions of flexion and extension.
As no Doctor has given a clear diagnosis of exactly what the problem is, I feel comfortable working it in this manner so long as the problem does not worsen.
This may beg the question from some as to why someone would even take the risk of aggrivating the problem. The answer is that if you do not know, you may never know.
Recently someone wondered aloud why otherwise brilliant athletes like JC Santana and Franco Columbo, had injured themselves doing silly things. I'm not clear on what Santana did, although she stated he had injured himself doing squats on a stability ball. Franco injured himself running with a 600 pound refrigerator on his back full of sand. The answer is that brilliance is tinged with fits of lunacy. We take chances. Why am I going to make an Atlas stone? Because I can, and I want to see what happens. Could I injure myself? Of course. What's the point of life without risk? Even as I'm writing this I'm wondering if I could get a refrigerator on my back. I think I can. Maybe a dorm fridge first. Why do GS athletes do snatches or long cycle for 10 minutes straight? Because it's possible. I know it's possible, so I have to do it.

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