Sunday, April 5, 2009

First phone book tear

At midnight the Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Redwood City directory went down. 800 numbered pages, 400 physical pages. The tear ended up going sideways because I didn't adjust my grip enough. No big deal. Once I figured out the basics it went down pretty easily.
TSC also went down at Palo Alto Equinox today. I'll post on it tomorrow after I finish uploading the videos.


  1. "Tis the witching hour of night,
    Or bed is the moon and bright,
    And the stars they glisten, glisten,
    Seeming with bright eyes to listen
    For what listen they?"

    For the sounds of feats of strength! That's what listen they!

    That's really cool - great job. I know you've been working on your bending a lot but I haven't seen you write much about tearing. Does the bending work apply itself to the tearing?

  2. Thanks Kai. The bending does crossover, mostly it seems in using the whole body and radiant tension. I tend to get out on the ends of the nail and drive them in rather than having a tighter bending style, which is why I'm working more reverse grip to bring up my hands and wrists. I'm finding that the card and phone book tearing is working my grip a lot more, expecially the cards.

  3. Did you tear the book sideways?

    Your getting it, slowly and surely. Shoot a video of your cards bro, maybe small things to trouble shoot.

  4. I tore it sideways from the binding, but it went a little wild on me. I will get some video of my card tearing up soon. Thanks Adam.
