Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 begins with change...

I type this sitting in a hotel room as we house hunt on Day 2 of the new year. People always talk about starting off the new year with a change, but man we are doing it! I tend to think God puts you where you need to be right about when you need it. Sometimes that means being technically homeless for a while.
Training wise for me things roll along just fine. I'm in week three of Kenneth's Maximal Strength program using the beast challenge exercises. This is going very well, better than expected. The FMS work I have been doing has paid off. Yesterday I knocked off 40 pistols per leg in sets of 3 and 5 with the 12 kg. with absolutely no knee irritation. My left shoulder is very iffy, so pressing is on hold, but I'm working on it. I believe Pavel once said something to the effect of 'working your grip and abs will improve your press' so we're going to put that to the test. Until I rehab the left shoulder sufficiently all I have to do is maintain my ability to press the 36 kg. on my right side for RKC II. So far so good on that. Still might have to pull out of the May CK-FMS, but RKC II looks good.

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